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Directions: Read the two essays and then respond to each essay by answering the following questions.

  1. What have you learned about the subject from reading Essay One?

  2. Do you think Essay One was well-organized? Explain why or why not.

  3. Did Essay One use clear and specific examples?
    List at least 2 examples used by the writer and then Explain why you think s/he used them.

  4. Did the writer of Essay One follow appropriate format for a research paper? Why/Why Not?

  5. What have you learned about the subject from reading Essay Two?

  6. Do you think Essay Two was well-organized? Explain why or why not.

  7. Did Essay Two use clear and specific examples?
    List at least 2 examples used by the writer and then Explain why you think s/he used them.

  8. Did the writer of Essay Two follow appropriate format for a research paper? Why/Why Not?

Posted to the Web on May 8, 2002