of The
66: "Literature and Human Behavior"
Fall, 2003
Instructions for the Research Paper:
The research paper is due on
will read either Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi
or The Bondwoman’s Narrative by Hannah Crafts. (You may choose to read
and compare both for extra credit). You should then do research on the author
and the history of the time as depicted in the novel. An excellent resource for the history in Stones
from the River is Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans
and the Holocaust by Daniel Jonah Goldman. You should also consult other
works by Ursula Hegi; she recently published a
nonfiction book, Tearing the Silence
will find reading questions for Stones from the River, Hitler’s
Willing Executioners, and The Bondwoman’s Narrative on
our course web page at https://lfkkb.tripod.com/eng66/index.html.
You should use these questions as a guide for your reading, your analysis of
the book, and your research.
in mind that you are writing a research paper.
Therefore, you need to cite each of the sources that you use in
preparing the term paper. In using
citations or references, you should try to paraphrase what the author says and
then credit the author in a citation within the body of the paper. All sources
used should be listed in the Works Cited section at the end of your paper. You should use parenthetical citation format
within the body of the text and cite references in MLA format. You can find information on how to cite sources
in MLA format on our course web page at https://lfkkb.tripod.com/eng66/index.html.
If you have any questions along the
way, contact me by email at eng66kcc@yahoo.com, by phone at
(718) 368-5373, or come to see me in my office, C-219, on Monday, Tuesday, or
Thursday Period 1 (A hour).